
Country report The Philippines

Country Report

  • Philippines
  • Agriculture,
  • Automotive/Transport,

02 Feb 2015

Since 2012, economic growth has been high, driven by private consumption which accounts for about 70% of the economy. Growth has also been sustained by rising demand for exports.

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    Country Report Austria

    Country Report

    • Austria
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    01 Iun 2015

    After modest growth in 2013 (up 0.3%) and 2014 (up 0.4%) the Austrian economy is expected to see a modest 0.8% surge in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals performance - Turkey

    Market Monitor

    • Turkey
    • Chemicals/Pharma

    01 Iun 2015

    There are positive signs for the Turkish chemicals industry. In 2015, the chemicals sector is expected to grow driven by increasing demand and the positive effects of the lower oil prices.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals performance - UK

    Market Monitor

    • United Kingdom
    • Chemicals/Pharma

    01 Iun 2015

    Growth in the chemicals sector is forecast to continue in 2015, on the back of UK’s robust economic performance.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals performance - Switzerland

    Market Monitor

    • Switzerland
    • Chemicals/Pharma

    01 Iun 2015

    Chemicals/pharmaceuticals has been a well performing sector in Switzerland; demand and profit margins are expected to remain stable in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals performance - Singapore

    Market Monitor

    • Singapore
    • Chemicals/Pharma

    01 Iun 2015

    In 2015, Singapore’s GDP is forecast to grow a modest 3 %, and the production of chemicals is expected to grow at the same rate.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals performance - Mexico

    Market Monitor

    • Mexico
    • Chemicals/Pharma

    01 Iun 2015

    The chemicals sector in Mexico is expected to grow modestly in 2015 due to the country’s lower economic growth (forecast 2.6 % in 2015).

    Market Monitor - Chemicals performance - Netherlands

    Market Monitor

    • Netherlands
    • Chemicals/Pharma

    01 Iun 2015

    In Q1 2015, the Dutch chemicals sector saw an increase in production and exports. Additionally, it is expected that Dutch chemicals businesses ́ investments will increase in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals performance - Italy

    Market Monitor

    • Italy
    • Chemicals/Pharma

    01 Iun 2015

    In 2015 Italian chemicals production is forecast to grow 1.4 %, due to increasing exports (up 3.2 %) and the first signs of improving domestic demand (up 1.3 %) after four years of contraction.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals performance - Belgium

    Market Monitor

    • Belgium
    • Chemicals/Pharma

    01 Iun 2015

    The Belgian chemicals sector is expected to grow in 2015, helped by a weaker euro, lower oil prices and a eurozone rebound.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals performance - USA

    Market Monitor

    • USA
    • Chemicals/Pharma

    01 Iun 2015

    The chemicals sector is benefiting from the on-going US economic growth. US chemicals production growth is expected to increase 3.7 % in 2015 and 3.9 % in 2016 (after growing 2 % in 2014).