
Country report The Philippines

Country Report

  • Philippines
  • Agriculture,
  • Automotive/Transport,

02 Feb 2015

Since 2012, economic growth has been high, driven by private consumption which accounts for about 70% of the economy. Growth has also been sustained by rising demand for exports.

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    Country Report China 2016

    Country Report

    • China
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28 Ian 2016

    Economic growth forecast to slow down to 6.3% in 2016, but no hard landing expected for the time being.

    Country Report Indonesia

    Country Report

    • Indonesia
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28 Ian 2016

    External indebtedness poses a risk to Indonesian businesses, and economic growth is slowing down further.

    Country Report Japan

    Country Report

    • Japan
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28 Ian 2016

    Slow pace of economic recovery, with GDP expected to grow 1% in 2016, and inflation remaining stubbornly low.

    Country Report The Philippines

    Country Report

    • Philippines
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28 Ian 2016

    GDP expected to grow above 5% in 2016 due to robust private consumption, but the business environment remains difficult.

    Country Report Singapore

    Country Report

    • Singapore
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28 Ian 2016

    Economic performance impacted by slower growth in China and Southeast Asia.

    Country Report South Korea

    Country Report

    • South Korea
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28 Ian 2016

    High household indebtedness weighs on private consumption, and exports are affected by the slowdown in China.

    Rapport Pays Corée du Sud

    Country Report

    • ,
    • Korea
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28 Ian 2016

    Le fort endettement pèse sur la consommation des ménages, et les exportations sont affectées par le ralentissement économique chinois.

    Country Report Taiwan

    Country Report

    • Taiwan
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28 Ian 2016

    Productivity increases and economic diversification are the main long-term challenges.

    Country Report Vietnam

    Country Report

    • Vietnam
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28 Ian 2016

    Stable growth (up 6.4% in 2016) and inflation back under control, but the economic fundamentals still show some weaknesses.

    Top eight most promising markets of 2016

    Economic Note

    • Bangladesh,
    • Colombia,
    • General economic

    20 Ian 2016

    Atradius picks the top 8 markets for business opportunities in 2016. These emerging markets have been showing strong performances over the past three years and are expected to improve further in 2016.

    US interest rate rise: emerging markets at risk

    Economic Note

    • Brazil,
    • Chile,
    • General economic

    14 Dec 2015

    The first increase in US interest rates in almost 10 years may lead to trouble in emerging markets.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Belgium

    Market Monitor

    • Belgium
    • Food

    10 Dec 2015

    Food exports grew 2.1% in 2014 and are expected to increase further in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Germany

    Market Monitor

    • Germany
    • Food

    10 Dec 2015

    Despite decreasing sales, businesses' equity strength remains good in this sector, but larger groups and producing companies are usually better capitalised than wholesalers or retailers.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Netherlands

    Market Monitor

    • Netherlands
    • Food

    10 Dec 2015

    Due to the weaker exchange rate and increased demand from overseas markets, Dutch food exports increased in 2015 and are expected to rise further in 2016.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Hungary

    Market Monitor

    • Hungary
    • Food

    10 Dec 2015

    Profitability of food producers has increased in 2014 and is expected to remain stable in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Ireland

    Market Monitor

    • Ireland
    • Food

    10 Dec 2015

    The Irish food sector has benefited from the weaker euro, the rebound of the Irish economy and growing consumer confidence.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Russia

    Market Monitor

    • Russia
    • Food

    10 Dec 2015

    Prices for food have grown and local production has increased in order to subsitute lacking imports.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Spain

    Market Monitor

    • Spain
    • Food

    10 Dec 2015

    The average payment duration in the Spanish food industry is 70 days.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - United Kingdom

    Market Monitor

    • United Kingdom
    • Food

    10 Dec 2015

    Food business insolvencies are expected to increase by about 15% in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - United States

    Market Monitor

    • USA
    • Food

    10 Dec 2015

    Profit margins of food businesses in the United States are expected to remain stable in 2016.